Friday, March 21, 2014

Survey Analysis

By analyzing the results of our survey it is shown that half of the people that took the survey have experienced a bad relationship in the past. Everyone's favorite genre of music was pop, and everyone has attended a concert. Also, the majority of students value their friendships. Lastly, people were confused of wether or mot humanity needs to come together in order to move on from hardships in life. Overall, music plays an important part in peoples lives, as do friendships.

Survey- Tech Friday #3

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Discussion Question #3: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

Task: Connect the Tikkun Olam, mentioned by Norah, with Nick and Norah's relationship potential.

   The Tikkun Olam, a Jewish concept of putting back the pieces of a broken society, relates to the theme of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. The belief of Tikkun Olam is brought up by Norah, and Nick further develops its relation to their own lives. Both Nick and Norah have recently suffered from being heart broken. In Tikkun Olam, the portrayal of humanity's role is to come together to heal the problems of society. The broken pieces of the world may be compared to Nick and Norah's hearts, and perhaps it is their role to come together in order to move on from their traumatizing past. If Nick and Norah connect with each other and continue to put effort in their prospering relationship, they might be able to become whole again, and to stop future heartache. Nick proclaims, "Maybe it isn't that we're supposed to find the pieces and put them back together. Maybe we're the pieces...what we're supposed to do is come together. That's how we stop the breaking"(145). Nick implies that for Norah and himself to move on with their lives and put together the broken pieces of their hearts, they must come together. He suggests that maybe Tikkun Olam can be applied to people in general, and that in this case it applies to their lives. Some may argue that Tikkun Olam is a myth and cannot be applied to only two people in a certain instance. The overall responsibility in the concept of Tikkun Olam is placed on a whole society, but in this case, it can also relate to two people who need to come together  to better themselves. The healing of humanity symbolizes the joining of Nick and Norah's broken hearts.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Discussion Question #2- Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

Question: Evaluate Nick's reasoning for why he supposedly loved Tris, while she was not a good girlfriend and did not love him back.

Nick with his ex, Tris

   Nick loved Tris because he was longing to feel what love was like so desperately, that he convinced himself  that he was in love with her. Nick is a sensitive character, and allowed himself to fall for Tris, his ex, who in return did not treat him well and ended up breaking his heart. He had significant trouble getting over her, and no one really understood why because she was not even a good person. Tris treated Nick poorly and did not take their relationship seriously. Nick was ready for a serious relationship, and threw all of his emotions into the whirlwind of Tris. One example of Nick being sincere while Tris takes advantage of him, is when Nick writes a song for Tris and she simply makes fun of  him with her friends. After meeting Norah, Nick realizes what actual love feels like. Although he does not know Norah that well, she puts time, effort, and emotion into their time together. Nick comes into realization that he did not truly love Tris when he was with her, and that he was in love with the feeling of being in love with someone. He craved being in a committed relationship so dearly, that he brainwashed himself into believing that he was in love. Nick expresses to Norah,"It was about the feeling...She caused it in me, but it wasn't about her. It was about my reaction, what I wanted to feel and then convinced myself that I felt, because I wanted it that bad. That illusion. It was love because I created it as love"(138). Nick admits that his feelings of compassion were not from being with Tris, but they arose because he wanted to feel what it was like to love someone that he imagined it. Although some readers may argue that Nick and Tris did have a serious relationship and that Tris truly did love Nick back, the text suggests otherwise. Now that Nick has met Norah and cares for her deeply in a two- sided partnership, he can finally move on from Tris. Now he does not have to yearn for what love feels like, but he can actually feel it himself with someone who cares about him as well.
Nick with Norah
Nick and Norah, the perfect couple

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist Discussion Question #1

Norah from the novel
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Nick from the novel
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Compare and contrast Nick and Norah's previous relationships.

Nick and Norah, from Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, have both suffered from recent breakups leaving them emotionally hurt, depressed, and unable to commit to any other relationships. Nick's relationship was more brutal, because his ex knew how much of a god boyfriend Nick was, but simply felt bad because she was not willing to commit as much as he was. She cheated on him, made fun of him, and broke up with him after he told her that he loved her. Norah's breakup was not as official nor as brutal as Nick's, but it was very confusing and mentally draining for her. She altered her future for Tal, her ex, and after she realized how he did not truly love her, she decided to break things up once and for all. Both Nick and Norah suffer from flashbacks on their previous relationships, and find it extremely hard to move on with their lives and focus on new people and new opportunities. Also, they both  do not know how to deal with their depression.  Nick's breakup was worse than Norah's, because he was the one who got dumped, he did everything right but was taken advantage of, and he truly cared about her when she did not feel the same about him. Some may argue that Norah's end to her relationship may have caused more difficulty because she didn't get to go to the good college that she was going to go to, due to Tal's preference, but Nick's relationship contained more emotional strain. Nick had his heart broken while his ex, Tris, didn't even care. For example, after Tris broke up with Nick, she brought a new boyfriend to a concert that Nick's band was playing in even though she knew that would hurt him. Nick suffered severely, while Norah only went through mild emotional injury.
Tris, Nick's ex-girlfriend

Tal, Norah's ex-boyfriend

This short clip demonstrates Nick and Norah's different personalities, and shows how Nick's heartbreak has really damaged him while Norah just seems a little guarded.